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  • 美东时间:8月23日 01:50:15
  • 北京时间:8月23日 01:50:15
  • 东京时间:8月23日 01:50:15
  • 伦敦时间:8月23日 01:50:15
今开:  涨跌:  最高:  市值(亿美元):
昨收:  涨跌幅: 最低:  市盈率:   

Equus Total Return Inc公司介绍

证券代码: EQS 上市板: -
证券名称: Equus Total Return Inc 上市场所: 纽约证券交易所
证券类型: - 发行方式: -
首发上市日: 首发价格(元): -
首发数量(股): - 首发募资总额(USD/元): -

Equus Total Return Inc基本资料

公司名称: Equus Total Return, Inc. 注册地址: 美国特拉华州
证券名称: Equus Total Return Inc 上市场所: 纽约证券交易所
办公地址: 700 Louisiana Street,48th Floor,Houston,TX,77002
董事会主席: - 成立日期: -
公司属地: United States 美国 电话: 1-713-529-0900
公司网址: www.equuscap.com
Equus Total Return, Inc. is a business development company specializing in equity and equity-oriented securities issued by privately owned companies. The fund invests in small to mid sized companies and acts as a lead investor. It invests in companies engaged in the alternative energy, real estate, healthcare, education, e-learning, leisure and entertainment, and foreign investment sector in the United States, China, India, and Europe. The fund's investments include common and preferred stock, debt convertible into common or preferred stock, debt combined with warrants and options, and other rights to acquire common or preferred stock. The fund seeks to invest in companies with revenues between $10 million and $100 million.
名称 最新价 涨跌幅
名称 最新价 涨跌幅
