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  • 美东时间:8月23日 01:50:15
  • 北京时间:8月23日 01:50:15
  • 东京时间:8月23日 01:50:15
  • 伦敦时间:8月23日 01:50:15
今开:  涨跌:  最高:  市值(亿美元):
昨收:  涨跌幅: 最低:  市盈率:   

Sesen Bio Inc公司介绍

证券代码: SESN 上市板: 主板
证券名称: Sesen Bio Inc 上市场所: 纳斯达克交易所
证券类型: 普通股 发行方式: 公开发售
首发上市日: 2014/02/06 首发价格(元): 10
首发数量(股): 5,000,000 首发募资总额(USD/元): 50,000,000.00

Sesen Bio Inc基本资料

公司名称: Sesen Bio, Inc. 注册地址: 美国特拉华州
证券名称: Sesen Bio Inc 上市场所: 纳斯达克交易所
办公地址: 245 First Street, Suite 1800, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
董事会主席: - 成立日期: 2008/02/25
公司属地: United States 美国 电话: +1 (617) 444-8550
公司网址: www.sesenbio.com
Sesen Bio, Inc.'s current name was changed from Eleven Biotherapeutics, Inc. effective on May 17, 2018. Eleven Biotherapeutics, Inc. is a late-stage clinical oncology company advancing a broad pipeline of novel product candidates based upon the Company’s TPT platform. The Company’s TPTs incorporate a tumor-targeting antibody fragment and a protein cytotoxic payload into a single protein molecule in order to achieve focused tumor cell killing. The Company believes its TPT approach offers significant advantages in treating cancer over existing ADC technologies. The Company believes its TPTs provide effective tumor targeting with broader cancer cell-killing properties than are achievable with small molecule payloads that require tumor cell proliferation and face multi-drug resistance mechanisms. Additionally, the Company believes that its TPT’s cancer cell-killing properties promote an anti-tumor immune response that will potentially combine well with immuno-oncology drugs such as checkpoint inhibitors.
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